school/company visits.

We strongly believe that awareness about the plight of animals in Indonesia is of great important and the first is step in helping to improve their welfare is through education!
We spread awareness and educate both younger and older generations of people, through educational seminars, presentations to schools, other organizations, embassies, companies and also at various events. We often accept students/groups to our HQ to learn amongst our animals.
Our presentations cover all of JAAN programs but can be tailored to wildlife issues or domestic issues if that is what you prefer. We also have a wide audience base. We have presented to children as young as two years old! It’s never too early or too late to teach people about the proper care of companion animals and why wildife should live in the wild!
If the school/building allows we often bring our rescue dogs as well as its a great way to get kids and even adults engaged and learn about the current issues regarding animal welfare, especially dogs.

if you have further questions or wish us to visit please contact