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WHAT DOES JAAN STAND FOR? WHAT IS OUR MISSION?JAAN stands for Jakarta Animal Aid Network. Our mission & goal is to improve the welfare of all animals throughoutIndonesia, in whatever way we can.
WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT?We constantly dedicate our entire time to better the situations for our beloved animals. Unlike most shelters, none of the animals that we rescue are caged as we believe this is defeating the whole purpose. All animals are roaming free at our headquarters or are in very large enclosures. Some animals need to be temporarily caged for example quarantine or are healing after an operation but even then all cages are still probably bigger then your room with many toys & constant interaction to keep the animal mentally stimulated. We are a complete grass roots, non profit organisation with a small team that recieves very limited help from the government so your donation really makes a different to us!
WHO ARE THE FOUNDERS? HOW BIG IS THE STAFF?We were founded in January 2008 by Femke den Haas, Karin Franken & Natalie Stewart. 3 ladies who thought not enough was being done regarding the well being of animals in Indonesia. So they decided to create their own platform that people were able to contact when having questions/reports etc. regarding animal welfare. Our staff count is reasonably small considering all our projects & comparing to other organisations, as we want to keep it small & intact to ensure all projects are followed through. We have over 30+ animal loving people involved including veterinarians, volunteers & employees.
WHERE DO WE GET OUR FUNDING?Our maing source of funds & support is from individual donations. We sometimes recieve support from schools/companies/local organizations that are interested in a program/campagn in particular or also from other international animal charities.
HOW TO BECOME A VOLUNTEER?We have very limited work which is hands-on with animals due to the fact that the animals we get are often traumatized & are healing, which makes them unsafe for kids/students to help with. Our volunteers also need initiative & are able to work independently as we are a very small team & have no staff available to provide a lot of supervision. However, we DO often need volunteers in the following areas; fundraising, soliciting & coordinating donations, media contacts, organizing/assisting specific events, doing educational outreach & finding foster homes. JAAN has very limited work which is hands-on with animals. If you think you can help JAAN in any of the areas listed above please send an email to us & we’ll get in touch with you to understand your time commitments. JAAN LOVES ITS VOLUNTEERS!
HOW TO HELP?Thanks for wondering! There are numerous ways to help us. Check out our DONATE page!
ARENT THERE ANY LAWS TO PROTECT ANIMALS IN INDONESIA?Indonesia does have an animal welfare act, KUKP Pasal 302. Although this ‘act’ has unfortunately never been updated since 1930. We still strive to use this law to end various cruelty to animals cases. We also fully support Indonesia’s commitment to enforcing the National Law No. 5 made in 1990 that prohibits the trade in protected wildlife. We constantly keep striving for the Government to create new laws & update the old as this would make many cruelty cases towards animals illegal!
DOGS/CATS?As most animal rescues, due to limited space at our headquarters, support from the Government & funding we usually only focus on very extreme cases as we simply do not have the means to rescue every single animal. So please check below if your case comes under an 'emergency/urgent' case or not. If it does, please contact us by email at & (Dont forget to include complete details, background story, photos/videos & location)
LONG TAILED MACAQUE MONKEYS?There are HUNDREDS of long tailed macques in captivity all around Indonesia. Unfortunately they are not a protected species yet & therefore it is completely legal to keep them as pets. even in terrible conditions. We recieve so many reports about these monkeys in poor condition that need rescue. Sadly we do not have a program, space or resources to rescue all of these monkeys. We can send a team to speak with the owner & try to get them to improve the condition for the monkey. If it is a much more severe case we will try our best to help but unfortunately for the many that are confined into small cages on the side of the road, there isnt that much we can do. If you see a macaque that falls under an 'emergency case' please contact with photos, exact location, owner contact details & your contact details.
WILDLIFE?Please report ALL cases of wild animal abuse or neglect to & as soon as possible. Depending on what type of animal it is & who the owner is, we may be able to rescue it & send it to a aildlife rehabilitation center. Please understand, this is very much on a case by case basis. Please include photos, details of the animal, owner contact details & your contact details.
TOPENG MONYET (DANCING MONKEY)?Enter your answer here
HOW CAN I ADOPT A DOG / CAT?We allow people to adopt a dog or cat if they can provide a loving & forever home. The new owners have to be committed for veterinary care, provide love & care & if in the case the owners move house/country the pet should be taken with them. Potential adopters need to fill in the adoption form after which a interview & sometimes home visit & will be conducted. Once agreed to give the dog/cat up for adoption we will keep in touch to make sure all is going smoothly.
HOW CAN I FOSTER A DOG / CAT?We are often in need of a foster home for our dogs/cats, But please understand that not always you will get a perfectly fine well behaved dog. We look for fosters who understand the concept of ‘fostering’ & who understands that we need a temporary home for a dog that we just rescued, as we often have no space. This means that the animal will most likely have health/mental issues that needs a nice, comfortable place where he/she can recover & learn how to become part of a family. This means that at the beginning the foster family has to physically (not financially) help with medical needs & have patience if the animal is a bit traumatized etc. Most rescued animals have been traumatised in some sort of way & need the right treatment & care to get them back to shape, socialized & full of confidence to hopefully find themselves a permanent home. This needs dedication & most of all, patience.
DO WE GET 'PEDIGREE' DOGS / CATS?We often receive pedigree dogs/cats; most of them ‘fashion victims’ meaning that people purchased them only because of their breed but had no idea how to care for that particular cat/dog. For example, they bought a husky puppy because of how cute they are but never realised how much work is needed as they are a very active & loud breed. We also often eceive many pedigree dogs dumped by the ‘puppy mills’ & older females that had been used for breeding but are of no more use for the business.
"IM HERE FOR 2-3 YEARS. CAN I ADOPT A DOG? I WILL FIND A HOME FOR IT WHEN I LEAVE SO I WONT BURDEN JAAN. IS THAT OKAY?""No, we only agree to hand over a dog/cat when it is a forever home. we dont agree with any dog being rehomed to any new location without our permission & knowlegde. Why you may ask? All our dogs/cats have been rescued from traumatic situations & a lot of time has been taken to get them to the point where they can be adopted. Its very stressful for a dog/cat to finally fit in & fall in love with a family to then just be passed off to some one new. We also want to know we can 100% trust new owners to take care of the pet as they would a family member. Unfortunately we see thousands of cases of neglect & it break our heart to know an animal we have rescued was put back in the same position we rescued them from. So if you're here temporarly & want to help out, fostering a dog/cat would be a much better option.
WHY DO I SEE PETS IN CAGES ALL THE TIME?Unfortunately this is VERY common in Indonesia, it is how many people deal with pets, especially dogs & cats. They see their pet as a kind of ornament rather than a family member. There are many negative aspects of keeping a dog/cat in a cage, especially a small one. The animal, especially a dog, is unable to act out its natural instincts & gets very stressed which then lead to a badly behaved pet. Often owners are also lazy in dealing with their pet, cleaning etc. People need to understand having a kitten or puppy is almost like having a child, they need your time & patience. These kind of owners simply have no knowlegde about basic animal welfare. It is our duty to explain to them the proper care of companion animals to get the best outcome for both owner & pet.
WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT MY NEIGHBOURS WHO HAVE A DOG/CAT IN A CAGE?A good route is to simply talk with them. We know some times this may be abit embarrassing/hard to do but never fear to do something good. Just let them know there are much better ways to keep their pet which is result in a much happier pet for the owners. A pet that is caged becomes bored & frustrated so they will either start to bark, fuss or become aggressive. No one wants that. It is a crime towards the welfare & also very bad for the animals health.
DO WE SUPPORT STRAY DOG/CAT STERILIZATION?Yes! We often conduct sterilization drives, espeically for stray cats. If we are able to minimize the number of cats by preventing them from breeding, then we will minimize the number of cruelty cases towards these thousands of street cats. The cats are caught with trapping cages after which the cats are provided medical treatment& sterilized, nursed back to strength before released back on the streets in a safe area, preferably in the area where the cat was captured.
DO WE HELP CARRIAGE HORSES?Yes! We do a ton of work regarding carriage horses (delman). Most are not kept in good condition & suffer until they eventually collapse on the street. Our job is to help boh horses & people in education & horse care. Have a look at our carriage horse section to read more!
WHAT TO DO IF I SEE A CARRIAGE HORSE IN OBVIOUS DISTRESS?Please report to us immediately with details! Exact location with photos/video if possible.
WHAT IS THE LINK BETWEEN JAAN AND ANIMAL CLINIC JAKARTA (ACJ)?Animal Clinic Jakarta (ACJ) is the particular vetinary clinic that we trust & worked with over the years on more sever cases. ACJ is its own seperate business.
IS ACJ EXPENSIVE?ACJ is not any more expensive than other animal clinics in Jakarta. For details please visit their website –
DOES ACJ GIVE FREE VET CARE TO STRAYS?No. But ACJ does help animals under JAAN care at cost (no profitable price) but people bringing in individual strays (not through JAAN) will pay the normal prices
DO YOU PROVIDE TRAINING PROGRAMS? MY DOG (AND I ) COULD USE SOME HELP!For dogs that are adopted through JAAN, we will provide free assistance with trainings whenever possible. For dogs not through JAAN we have a number of friends who are expert at animal training/behaviour so just get in touch with us & we can help!
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